And I Wonder

*The Unspoken Words of a Lingering Mind*

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Damn, I already suck at updating this thing. Although I'm like barely working, I feel like I still don't have much time to do everything that I need to get done. Ugh and there are only a couple more weeks before I have to move in and I still want to see some people and have some stuff around here to do. Anyhow, I'm going to try to do a big update of the past week since I last posted starting with today. (Btw, although it says I'm writing this on a Tuesday, it is still officially a Monday because I have not gone to sleep yet).

[Monday]: Today I was at home mostly and kept myself busy mostly on the computer. I made flyers for two RA programs (I'm planning my fall programs now so I won't have to during the year because I know I'll be busy). I got September and October done today...I really hope to think of November and December programs before I move back and have those flyers done too. I'll probably work on those sometime this week, hopefully.

I also got a letter from lil Lauren today. I haven't talked to her in awhile and I'd really like to see her sometime before I go back school. She's going to be a freshman this year, I can't believe it, I remember when she was just about to start middle school. Damn.

Tonite I was going to go to my dad's place for dinner tonight with Kaitlyn but I forgot that Enyo doesn't cook on Monday' So instead, Jaime, Dennis, Phil, Kaitlyn, and I met up after 10 for some 1/2 off appetizers since we're cheap college students like that. Plus we hadn't all gone in awhile.

[Sunday]: I was still at Ed's house. We slept in, made pancakes, watched a lil TV, played cards, and later jogged around his neighborhood that night. He taught me a new card game which is pretty much like solataire. It was really nice of him because I know he's not that quite into games like myself.

[Saturday]: I had to babysit Lexi that morning. I hadn't seen her for awhile and I have to admit I kind of missed her. She really missed me too. Although she is really irritating to deal with, she really didn't bother me at all that day. When I got there I was sooo tired from the previous night that I rested a little. I later that morning took her to Health Quest to go swimming and then we went back to her house to make lunch. The day went really well.

Later that day I went to Erin and Theresa's birthday party. I was only able to stay for a few hours since Kaitlyn had to leave early since she had plans to see a movie. I ended up after visiting Ed anyhow.

I can't even really remember what we did that night, I know I got there around 10 and I think we just watched TV mostly. Later that night around 11:45 his brother and him heard a loud noise outside which sounded like a car crash or just a really loud door slam. They looked out the window and didn't see anything. At midnight his brother wanted to move his car from the side of their street into the driveway and he found that his windshield had been shattered (not to pieces though thankfully, just the crack marks). How sucky is that?! What's weird is, it could have happened to my car (it was in front of his on the street) or even to Ed's truck or to anyone's car on that street but only his got hit. We have no idea what caused it, either someone threw something really hard at it or used a bat or something...who knows. Goes to show how people suck sometimes. I guess it could have been worse but still.

[Friday]: I don't think I did much during the day. I visited Ed after he got out of work and he took me kayaking at this nice lake/dam area. I really liked this place. We actually almost went into the dam haha. Well not really but we trespassed into a Danger zone. Then that night we ordered food for dinner, drank a little, and hung out. Then eventually went to bed.

[Thursday]: For the third week in a row, I did not have to babysit and Susie ended up paying me anyhow ($70 for not babysitting!) because she felt so bad about cancelling so much recently. That was real nice of her, I am so grateful to them.

Anyhow so instead I went to Flemington to run some errands. Then I later met up with Jili at her house. I had been meaning to see her this summer and finally got to. She looked the same to me. I was there for a little while and we got to catch up on everything which was nice. Despite the fact that she talks badly of people and is somewhat conceited I still think she's a cool person to hang out with. I don't know, we just get along pretty well.

[Wednesday]: I had to babysit Harry all day except this time he had a friend over too. His friend was really nice and since they are older kids, it was real easy. I love when I get to babysit him because it's like the easiest ever. Yesterday I also got to take them to the movies, I took them to see Wedding Crashers which was nice because I had been wanting to see it. Although the concept of the movie is horrible, it later had more of a storyline (chick flick-ish I must admit) and had its funny moments. When we got back, they were playing computer games mostly and I got to just chill. I watched TV a little, made them dinner, re-painted my toe nails. It was great, the day went by so fast! After I offered to take his friend Mark home because he literally lives like 3 houses away from me. It's crazy how no one on my street knows the neighbors because of how spread out we all are. I think that was all for the evening.

[Tuesday]: Ed came over and we stayed at the house the whole time. We were thinking of going to the movies but decided to stay in. It was nice to have him visit again. I don't have much to say about that because we really didn't do anything exciting. I made lunch, we took a nap (he works a lot and needed it), talked, and that's pretty much all.

Meli wonders at 12:44 AM

Monday, August 01, 2005

So yea...I decided to start a totally new online journal. I thought maybe if I totally started over, I'd get back into writing again. We'll see how that goes. Plus I wanted a new layout and theme. I typically choose a song lyric as a title and theme but this time I decided to make it up myself. Basically I am always thinking about a lot of things and blogging allows me to express these thoughts. That's all the title really means. I will pretty much be writing what goes on each day (as I normally do) and also try to include more feelings here and there. I normally try to avoid that stuff because I can be private like that. It's just tough to write in here sometimes knowing that it's public and that people are reading this and judging me all the time. There's no way to really stop that so I am just going to continue to write this as if no one else is reading.

As you probably notice (for all you die hard readers of mine hehe)...I got rid of the day to day titles, song of the day, and YAY of the day. I'm just going to keep this simple. Oh and I also got rid of the comment section, sort of by choice but also because I do not know how to get it back on this journal. Oh well. I liked the comment thing but if you really have a comment, you can still always reach me by e-mail: Comments are always welcome! I wanted to add some links but I haven't been able to do that either (my HTML skills are not up to par anymore), maybe in the near future. I think this layout is probably more annoying to navigate but I'm all about the visual effect. Sorry to those that hate pink.

And if you're wondering why I have so many hits already, it's because to create this layout, I had to view it a bunch of times to make sure it was to my liking and it kept adding hits to my counter.

Let's see so about today, not too much really went on. I tried buying this PCI card thing that I need for my Ipod to connect to the laptop and it's connected and all but I'm still having difficulties with the software. I guess I don't have everything that is necessary yet. I also wrote a few letters today. That's about it, nothing too exciting.

Meli wonders at 9:59 PM

Hit Me Baby One More Time...[Ha! ;)]